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Fitness Goal Setting Tips


Despite everyone's desire to improve their health and fitness, very few people actually take the necessary steps to achieve their goals. When things don't progress as swiftly as we'd hoped, it's easy to become discouraged. You can still have faith.

The good news is that breaking old habits isn't as difficult as people make it out to be. You don't need a gym membership or expensive equipment to get started on your fitness journey.

Make a List of Your Desired Outcomes (s)

This gives you an objective target for achieving your goals. This will keep you focused on whatever goal you choose, rather than allowing yourself to get sidetracked by alternative options as you go (like "I should join another gym," etc.).

It also serves as a helpful reminder of why you initially chose this particular path. With written confirmation that you've already taken a step toward your goal, you'll have the confidence to persevere through any challenges along the way.

It was John from Warrior Fit Performance who made the comment "It's perfectly OK if you haven't figured out exactly what you're going to do, and that's fine. Even if it's just a vague goal for the upcoming week/month/etc., write it down nevertheless."

If you have a hard time sticking to long-term endeavors, attempt to divide them down into smaller tasks. Breaking down a goal of reducing 10 pounds over four months into weekly increments of 2 pounds each month may sound overwhelming at first, but it's actually quite manageable.

Setting tiny, incremental goals seems to be more helpful at keeping you motivated and committed to your new way of life in general.

It's best to break it down into smaller pieces

If you're a remote worker, you've probably made the mistake of attempting to cram too much into your day instead of blocking out time for specific tasks.

As a result, we find ourselves stressed out and unable to get the most out of the short time we have.

Don't set huge goals like "Finish editing my book by Thursday!" and instead arrange your days based on accomplishing minor chores consistently. Doing so allows you to take a break during the workday without feeling overworked and anxious.

In my freelancing days, I often found myself feeling overwhelmed because I was juggling multiple clients' needs at once. In an effort to better manage my time, I've set a goal of checking email, responding to customer concerns, posting to social media, and responding to personal communications every 15 minutes.

Keeping my attention on a single task allowed me to stop stressing about whether or not I'd be able to do everything before the game ended.

Exercise practices are also affected by this. Don't make the mistake of cramming a half-hour workout into a hectic workday schedule; choose a time that works best for you and stick with it. Make a promise to yourself and stick to it, no matter what happens.

These times worked out perfectly for me, as I'm usually most exhausted after dinner and anxious to spend as much time outside as possible as the day progresses until lunch. With these windows, I'm able to get the most out of both my work and my leisure time.

Make a Strategy for Success

Once you've assessed your existing position and determined where you can make improvements, determine the steps you must take to achieve your goal.

You might start by asking yourself questions like: What am I now putting in my mouth? Is my hydration level sufficient? How many hours of sleep did I get the night before? Do I go to the gym on a regular basis? Etc.

Then utilize this knowledge to figure out what you need to do next in order to get closer to your goals.

To avoid forgetting crucial appointments and commitments, set up alerts and reminders in advance wherever possible. Google Calendar or Apple Calendar, put them in a place where you won't forget about them.

Achieve Your Goals Over Time.

It's possible to use a goal-tracking system in two ways. In the first place, it serves as concrete proof of your progress toward a better life, which fosters feelings of self-worth and self-assurance. It is possible to improve your performance by tracking your progress over time.

To keep track of your progress, download Fitocracy. With the help of its community platform, those who are trying to live healthy lifestyles can connect with others who are doing the same. It has a number of features to increase responsibility and motivation in addition to offering motivational assistance.

Involve Others in the Work

Sharing your successes with loved ones can give you a greater sense of self-worth while also allowing them to give you feedback on how well you're doing in achieving your goals. Having someone who understands, affirms, and encourages you to persevere in the face of setbacks is a wonderful feeling, as is talking honestly about your accomplishments and failings.

You should, however, refrain from comparing yourself negatively to others, unless you honestly believe that they possess greater traits. It's better to learn from your mistakes and grow as a person while still recognising your progress.

Keep an Eye Out for Any Gaps in the Code (s)

As a result of not completely comprehending their mistakes, some people unwittingly revert to old habits. Relapse leads them to seek harmful alternatives, leading them to believe they are deficient in some way. But let's face it: no one is perfect, not even us.

All that we know about our past decisions and behaviors is based on assumptions, and we don't know why they were made. As a result, we shouldn't put unrealistic expectations on ourselves to perform flawlessly at all times. As long as we know where we went wrong, how we got there, and how to avoid future pitfalls, we can get back on track sooner rather than later.

Anxiety or depression or boredom or any other mental or emotional state can drive you to need food, but this does not entail that your cravings for ice cream were the cause of your weight increase. However, this does not imply that eating junk food is always a bad idea.

So, learn to tell the difference between poor habits that serve a purpose and those that don't. Once you have a clear picture of the problem, you can begin brainstorming possible remedies.

You Can Achieve Your Goals—But Only If You Set Your Mind to It

Many of us are willing to live paycheck to paycheck because we lack the willpower to forgo short-term gains for long-term gains. As a result, we are unable to enjoy a more fulfilling and healthy life.

The opposite is true, despite the fact that staying stationary may seem easier than moving forward at first glance. The reason for this is that it takes work to make a change. So, if you don't want to change, you'll probably get bored and go back to your old habits if you try to force yourself to do something.

While it may be difficult to collect the willpower necessary to overcome negative self-perceptions, a dislike of one's job, or a dislike of physical activity, it is possible. In order to see real progress, it is necessary to put in effort, be persistent, be consistent, and have the fortitude to wait.

It's important to work hard to achieve long-term success. Think about why you made the change in the first place, what keeps you coming back, and what causes your relapses. There are several benefits to using your inner drive rather than relying solely on short-term gains.

Keep Calm and Wait Your Turn

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get better and better but not seeing any tangible results. Furthermore, it might lead to emotions of inadequacy and discouragement that discourage us from pushing forward.

Eventually, you may come to recognize that you are unable to change your behavior on your own. Consider consulting a professional at this time. One of the most important things you can do to achieve the best possible results is to consult a trained nutritionist or other expert in the field.

Remember, however, that everyone goes through phases of underperformance. Focus on what you can learn from the experience rather than dwelling on the mistakes you've made.

Don't be afraid to let go of things that are out of your control if you ever find yourself in that situation. There are moments when life throws us a curveball to see if we can handle it. After the dust settles, dust off your pride, pick yourself up, and get back on the horse.

Take Time to Rejoice When Things Go Right

There is no need to give up on achieving your major goal because you haven't yet. If Rome was not built in a day, don't expect to become a healthy version of yourself any faster.

A thankfulness diary is a great way to keep track of the small wins along the way to your ultimate goals. Make it a point to celebrate your accomplishments with those you care about on a regular basis.

However, remember to celebrate in a manner that is fitting for the occasion. A slap on the back may enough for internal happiness, but showing outward elation could lead to dangerous behaviors, such as binge eating.


Changing your life for the better takes time, effort, and a lot of dedication. But if you have the necessary tools, knowledge, and support, you can certainly succeed. Don't wait until tomorrow to start working toward your goals.



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